Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Audience Questionnaire results

The questionnaire that was made to find out our audience for our chosen song and genre was asked to ten different people. The first question was a gender question and the results said that 6 males and 4 females were asked.

The results from the age question identified that 40% were under 25, 30% were over 40, 10% were 36-49 and 20% were 26-35.

The next question about what people's favourite genre was is shown below with the top vote going to 4 genres being pop, rock, acoustic and glam rock/metal. So as you can see, our chosen genre being Glam Rock is quite popular.
Some of the other questions that were answered allowed us to discover that the people who have Glam Rock as their favourite genre like the bands Aerosmith, Dio, Motley Crue and Guns n' Roses. They also like the stage performances the most from their chosen bands and this is something that we are definitely implementing in our video as we have a lot of performance on a stage just like the professionals. This might mean that we should watch a lot of live concerts from these favourite bands to see what makes them so special to get ideas for our music video.
Throughout this questionnaire we have identified that the audience for our chosen song is males aged 35 and over who like the Glam Rock genre. When making our music video we will take into consideration our audience. This means that we might have to make the music video more mature and masculine to suite the needs of our audience. 

Monday, 22 October 2012

Audience Questionnaire

Below is a questonnaire into audiences. There are 7 questions in total and the results of this questionnaire will help us to identify what types of music everybody is interested in. It will laso identify what age they are, gender and more. 

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Lighting Plan

For the lighting plan in our music video we have decided to use a bit of the flood light we are bringing with us to the arts centre and the lights provided by the arts centre near the roof in the ball room. A picture of both the flood light and the standard lights we used provided by the arts centre are shown below. To start of with we plan to make the ball room were we are filming as dark as possible. This means blocking out all possible natural light available. We did this by shutting two lots of curtains behind where we were performing. After this we decided to use the lights from the arts centre that lie above. We did not put the lights on full though as it would make the band's faces really light and pale. We also put the flood light on so that the only light in the room was concentrated on the band and the stage itself. After adjusting the lighting a bit we finally found the right mixture of lighting that allowed the sides of the stage to look fairly dark and all the main light to be on the band themselves without making their faces pale and too light.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Actor details

For our music video we are going to have 4 people performing as actors. This is because we are having a 4 piece band. These actors include Jamie, Joel, Mark and Zander. Jamie will be the lead singer, Joel will be the lead guitarist, Zander will be the bassist and Mark will be the drummer. All of the actors that are included in our music video all have experience in the instrument areas that they are assigned to. Below are pictures of the band and their instruments that they will be using. The first picture is of Jamie, the second is Joel, the third is Zander and the fourth is Mark.

Friday, 19 October 2012

music video audience research questions

Below is our music video audience research video response questions. In this video we asked 3 people a few questions about our chosen genre and our chosen song. The responses we got were informative and helpful and could therefore give us some ideas for the music video. Here are the questions we decided to ask the 3 people.

1.     What is your opinion on the genre of Glam Rock and what sort of things would you expect to be in the Glam Rock genre?

2.     What are your impressions on our chosen song “Rock Pride”?

3.     What do you think about our location for our music video being a warehouse type location?

4.     What do you think about our idea of having a narrative concentrated on the band itself?

5.     What suggestions do you have to make our music video better?

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Music video intro storyboard

Below is a small storyboard of the intro to our music video. There may be a few changes made to this storyboard but these are just a few ideas we had for the intro.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Analysed music video-White Snake-Here I go again

Above is White Snake's music video called Here I go again. I have decided to analyse this music video as it is a from the Glam Rock genre which is the same genre as our music video song that we are doing. Some of the things that White Snake use in this video may be some of the things that we use as we are using the same genre as them.

Camera work

One of the most used camera shots in the music video would be the close up of the lead singer. This is to emphasis the meaning of his singing and make the song more personal. The use of the camera work in the narrative side of the video is very experimental as they capture the women in the video in many different positions. All of them are either in the car or on the car but there is rarely one shot where she is in the same position. Another common camera shot would be a long shot in the performance showing the band at the concert and the crowd enjoying their music. This shot really shows of the band and their endless limits as a band. This shot is used to show of what the band are capable of. An example of one of the most used camera shots is a close up of the lead singer shown below. In our music video we are going to use lots of close ups just like this music video.


The editing in the narrative is extremely fast paced. In the narrative a women is shown who is in love with the lead singer of the band. The editing on the whole is fast paced just like any other Rock video because of the style of the music that Rock contains. In the music video there are also some nice continuity changes from the performance to the narrative and vice verse. For example there is a scene where the guitarist sticks out his tongue in the performance and this carries onto the narrative with the lead singer sticking out his tongue at the women. This helps to make the transition between narrative and performance flow more smoothly.


The sound in this music video is all non diegetic music of the songs lyrics. There is one lyric line that is mimed by the women in the narrative but nothing comes out of her mouth so this means it is still non diegetic sound.


The lighting in this video is used well as the light comforts the large amount of dark in the room well. A good example picture of the light comforting the dark well is shown below. The spot lights are often concentrated on the band members like this one here.

There is one use of lighting during the video that is particularly good. This is when 3 separate lights all focus on 3 members of the band standing together in the middle. One light comes from the right at the top, one from the left at the top and the last one above them. This looks really good in the video and they use this 3 lights together technique for a lot of the video as you can see from the picture above. The lighting in this video is very impressive and we would definitely use lighting like this in our music video if it was possible but it is not financially possible.


The mise-en-scene location in the music video is a big concert stage. This stage is extremely big and has a lot of room for the band to move about on and show off their skills. The mise-en-scene props include all of the light positions and band instruments. The lights are perfectly in place to make the most out the video and get the right amount of lighting. With the instruments and the band members they are all fairly far apart from each other to show the amount of room they have. This is the case for most of the video except for a few shots where the band are close together to emphasis the togetherness of the band.


The narrative of this video is very concentrated on this one girl in which seems to be in love with the lead singer. Most of the narrative is only shown for a few seconds at a time and then comes back after a bit of performance. The narrative only consists of scenes with the women alone and the women with the lead singer who she looks to be in love with. This is a very simple narrative but effective as the performance makes up for the small narrative with a big performance. You will find that the performances in Rock videos are always more important than the narrative as Rock bands will want to show off their skills with their selected instruments of voices. Below is an example picture from the narrative side of the video. The narrative in this video is completly different to the narrative in our video as we are going for a different approac by showing the band building up to the performance side even though both songs are of the same genre.


The performance of the band in the music video is set in a massive concert type of location. This is used to really emphasis the huge scale of the band and their popularity. The band have lots of room to move about and perform around. The performance makes sure that they show plenty of the different members of  the band. This lets the audience see all the different members and how they act individually. The performance side of the video will be similar to ours as we wat to show off the bands skill and experience.


The genre of the song is Glam Rock. You can tell this song is from the Glam Rock genre as the band members wear eccentric clothing and have big and long hair. The band "White Snake" also are very conventional in this genre as they perform poses etc that are suggested to be sexual. An example of this would be when the lead singer thrusting his mic stand up and down. We have made a section in our music video to perform some sort of sexual reference like this.


The representation of this music video shows in the narrative that the lead singer of the band and the women in the narrative are in love. The songs lyrics suggest that the song is about choosing to be in a relationship rather than be alone. This is suggested by the line "To walk along the lonely street of dreams" in the lyrics. This song is also represented as a fun and cool song to sing along with. I think that "White Snake" really wanted to include the audience into their song so that they feel involved.

Our music video ideas presentation

Below shows our Music video ideas presentation where we talk about the ideas we have about the video. The presentation is presented in pictures and there will also be a description with each slide describing what we said in the presentation.

The song that we are going to choose for our music video will be "Rock Pride". The song is from the Band B.I.T.E. 
B.I.T.E are a Brazilian band whose genres consist of Hard rock and Glam rock. The song that we have chosen is from the Glam Rock genre. "Rock Pride" is from the debut album "Rock into the Night". Finally B.I.T.E are a 5 piece which means they have 5 band members.
For our performance ideas we wanted the location of the performance to be in an empty warehouse. This is because we wanted a nice open space in which we can show the band off. If the warehouse was a big open space then the video would really emphasis the fact that the band are the main concentration overall. To help create the importance of the band we could apply the rule of thirds to our camera shots so that the positioning of the band is in the middle.

For the narrative side of our music video we will be concentrating on the band. The narrative will consist of the bands journey into becoming the band by joining together and uniting. This will be done by clips like the individual members joining together, members buying equipment, members looking at their rock heroes and much more. We choose this narrative idea because we felt that the lyrics suggests these ideas with the use of phrases like "I am the Rock Pride", "You will always find my show at night", "My show will shine", "My heart will always be on stage" and many more. These lyrics represent the feeling that the song is leading up to one big performance once the band have come together. A vital point in the song which is important that we need to have performance in would be the guitar solo so we would hope that by that point the narrative has played its part and the band are now performing together. The music video is basically one big time line showing the progression of the band. A good example of a song that follows this sort of pattern in using the narrative to show the band of would be Steel Panthers song called "If you really, really love me". This is where we will get a lot of ideas for our song.
Our costume ideas for our music video will be very similar to the costumes in our Prelim music video. This is because both the songs are in the Glam Rock genre where they would naturally wear items of clothing that express themselves in a bright and eccentric way. The costumes for Glam Rock members are usually very colourful and outrageous in their nature. We are hoping to buy some spandex to make the costumes even more creative. We have got ideas about the costumes from the Glam Rock band Steel Panther. This is because as you can see from the photo is that they out there in their costumes and do not care what they look like as long as they are having fun. I feel as if this is one of the motos of a Glam Rock band.

For our camera work in our music video will be fast paced and include lots of close ups. This is because we want the audience to feel as if they in the mix of the band and their music. This is also because close up camera shots are a typical convention of rock videos. For one of the most important shots in our video we are planning on creating or using a proper dolly. We would use the dolly to perform a 360 degree pan of the band. This will be a great establishing shot to really present and show the band off. We have used an example from Steel Panthers "If you really, really love me" again by the use of their pan they use and we thought that it looked really cool.

For the lighting we are looking to rent some small flood lights to use in our video. We have learned from our music video Prelim though as we found out that too much light was concentrated on our faces. This was a problem as it made our faces look pale. We hope to improve on this this time round as we will only use the amount of light needed. We might also experiment in using lights from behind to make a good looking effect. There are a lot of music videos which use this technique including a lot of Rock videos. We will have to experiment with the lights before using them for the 2 days of the shoot as we will then get a taste for how the lights our going to look o our faces.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Analysed music video-Steel Panther-If you really, really love me

Above is the video for Steel Panther's song " If you really, really love me". I have chosen this music video to analyse as the song is in the Glam Rock genre which is the genre in which our song we are doing is from. This video was mainly used to show off the band and is obviously a good song as well.

Camera work

The camera work in this video is very good. This is because their is hardly a point in the video where the camera stays still. This is good because if the camera stays still too long then it can become repetitive and boring. There is an especially good camera shot during the video of a tracking shot used to show the whole bad and the follow the lead singer. This is a clever shot because the camera moves at the same pace as the lead singer. The camera shots that are used also consist of many one and two shot close ups to show the bands individual members up close and personal. These shots are used to help the audience get to know the band themselves and how they act. An example of the close up shots which the band use are shown below.

The whole video acts kind of like a promotional video in the way that the narrative is the band preparing for the performance side of the song. This means that the music video is very concentrated on the band themselves. The video also includes lots of quick, fast paced close ups which is the most conventional camera shot used in a Rock music video. A lot of the narrative camera shots are handheld because this really emphasises on the fact that the band are filming the video themselves and that the video is one big promotional aspect.


The editing for most of the performance side of the video is fast paced. The pace slows down a little during the narrative side but not for long as the narrative and performance side of the video constantly swap.


The lighting in this video is used very effectively. This is becasue most of their lights are used from behind the band. This looks reall good behind the band and has a good mixture of dark and light. Below is a good example of the lighting in the video. As you can see their are two main lights in this video which really comfort the lighting within the room as it is not over the top. for example the two main lights are at the sides of the shot with the band in the middle. This makes a nice contrast to the shot.


The sound in this music video comes mostly from the non diegetic singing of the lyrics of the performance. This is not the only sound though as their is the occasional diegetic sound from the band themselves in the narrative side of the video. An example of this can be shown at the start of the music video where one member of the band says "Were gonna make a Rock video today". These sort of lines in the narrative make the video more personal to the audience and especially the hard core fans of Steel Panther.


The mise-en-scene setting in this video for the performance side of the video is a big warehouse type of setting which allows the band plenty of room to manoeuvre. This could also be an indication that the band want to show off with their current location. The mise-en-scene narrative side of the video is the warehouse again but in a different area because the narrative is the behind the scenes of the band. For the mise-en-scene props the band often use the props in a rude gesture. This is sometimes the nature of Glam Rock bands like Steel Panther.


The narrative in this video is different to the usual narrative in music videos as the narrative for Steel Panther is the band preparing for the performance side of the video. This shows that Steel Panther want a lot of the concentration of the audience to be on the band themselves. This is so that the audience can really get a look at the band. For people who may not have heard or seen Steel Panther before this will be a good experience for them to get a feel for the band. This is because Steel Panther have purposely made this video in order to show off in.


The performance side of the video was filmed in a big warehouse type of building. This was used so that the band are the main point of concentration in the warehouse as it is big and spacious. The band have applied the rule of thirds most of the time in this case as the band are in the middle of the shot most of the time. The performance was edited to look as impressive as possible to promote the band and get more people interested.


The Genre of this video is Glam Rock. This can be shown mostly through the bands appearance. For example they wear very eccentric clothing that stands out to the audience. This is because they wear ripped shirts, make up, wigs and other crazy clothing. The lyrics in this song also categorise the video as a Glam Rock genre as they are parody phrases that take the mick. This is what Glam Rock is all about. For example the line "Or if I'm up all night playing Call of Duty" is just one of the funny lines that Glam Rock bands many use. This song fits the Glam Rock genre very well.


The representation of this video is that the band our very male orientated. This is down to both their appearance and lyrics. For example the lyrics are sometimes a little sexist. An example can be found in the 2 line "If I have sex with your friend Melanie Don't act like it's some kind of felony". This represents to the audience of Glam Rock that the genre is very male orientated. Visuals from the music video also suggest this theory as well. For example the band Steel Panther often include some rude gestures. This could suggest that the video is not really made for women. On a more general note now and the video itself is represented to promote the band so they can show off to their target audience. For people who have never seen Steel Panther this is a good video to start off with as the video is good at promoting the band.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Promotional stratergies

In the music industry there are many different ways to promote music. The two ways that we will be using for our music promo will be a digipack and a magazine advert. This is because they are both very popular techniques of advertising. Music businesses will choose to advertise their products in places or products that are popular so that they get seen. For example if there is a recently popular magazine available then music businesses like Universal music group will try their hardest to make sure their advert is shown in that magazine. This ensures that the amount of people buying the magazine are very high. It's almost more of a guarantee rather then putting the adverts in some local magazines and risking that they don't get seen.

Music businesses can also promote by making special digipacks for their songs as it will help attract the hard core audiences that want to collect all their favourite bands items of franchise. A good example that does not refer to music but has the same concept is the Lord of the Rings extended edition digipack that contains, art work, extended copies, bonus features and lots of artwork. All these factors help convince the hard core fans that these digipacks are well work the extra money.

Another type of promotional strategy is for the band/artists to have their own website so that the fans can research and catch up on the band/artists latest actions. Websites are used to add a personal feel to the fans to make them feel connected and involved.

An even more personal way of promoting the band/artist is to allow fans to follow their icons on twitter and facebook. This can allow fans the chance to keep up to date with their latest comments and communicate with their idols. This is the most personal way to feel closer to their favourite band and artists.

Tours are a very good way for bands/artists fans to get a look at their icons wherever they live. This is often because tours involve bands and artists going all over the country or sometimes even abroad just to see their fans and make the concerts more easily accessible to them.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Roles within the group

The group that I am in consists of me Jamie Webb, Jamie Moulds, Joel Senior and Rhys Evans. We will be looking to create an exciting and well received music video. We have chosen our song and our currently in the process of organising our performance and narrative sides of our video. My roles within the group is camera work, location, a bit of editing, lighting and planning. Jamie's roles are actor, planning, bit of editing, lighting and more, Joel's roles are actor, sound, lighting and more. Finally Rhys's roles are editing, camera work, lighting and more. We are all a good mixture of people with good ideas and this will hopefully lead us to a lot of success in our music video. We have had previous success in our AS results as a group with our Thriller video so we hope this can continue. The strengths we have in our group is that we have a good mixture of people and when we get onto doing the serious pieces of work we are very dedicated to fulfilling our full potential.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Our song's Lyrics-Rock Pride

I’m back in town to have some fun

What do you want to feel tonight?

You know that party is like a trial of fire

Forget your troubles, just enjoy it

I will take you to paradise

I wanna give you all that I’ve got

You cant loose your energy inside

You really need to know me

Trust me you’ll be fine

I never tried

To make things right

My sanity was gone

Since I was born

I am the rock pride

Freedom is my legacy

You will always find my show at night

I’m falling in your sky

Now I have to go ‘cause my show will shine

So enjoy it and don’t you hide

I will take you to paradise

I wanna give you all that I’ve got

You cant loose your energy inside

You really need to know me

Trust me you’ll be fine

I never tried

To make things right

My sanity was gone

Since I was born

I am the rock pride

Freedom is my legacy

You wanna know where I’m going tonight

My heart will always be on stage

Living the dream that I love yeahh

I’m the rock pride every time

Monday, 1 October 2012

Our chosen song

Our chosen song that we are going to use to create a music video with will be called "Rock Pride". This song is categorised in the Glam Rock genre. This song is from the band B.I.T.E. We came across their song by typing into You Tube unsigned Glam Rock bands and thankfully we came across this band. We believe this is the right choice for our song as the lyrics and music is very impressive. The band are Brazilian and classify themselves as hardrock, Glam and hair metal band. The song is also from their debut album called "Rock into the night". We have only got a few ideas for the music video so far but one idea that we have for the performance side of the song would be to hire out a warehouse in order to create a really good atmosphere with the use of the lighting. This is because the warehouse will hopefully be really dark so that we can hire some individual lights in order to use the lighting to how we want it and not just the natural light outside. This way we can position the light to make the video how we want it. We have not found an appropriate narrative side for the music video but we will slowly piece together the lyrics in order to find a good narrative. The bands song can be found below. Below is also a picture of the band themselves and what they look like. As you can see they look a little indie but also a little Glam Rocky as well which suites us well.


Our chosen Genre-Glam Rock

The genre that we have chosen for our chosen song is Glam Rock. We have chose this genre because we feel that it is the fun of rock. It is not pure hard core rock as the Glam part adds a sense of humour to the songs. Glam Rock is a genre that started in the 1970's and during this time the genre peaked and was very successful. This was because it was something new and fun that had come about. Some of the well known artists in this time were T.Rex, David Bowie, sweet, lou reed and many more. Unfortunately the genre declined after 1976. Glam Rock did not go unnoticed though as it had an impact on other genres including punk and Glam. Back through popular demand though the genre revivedd itself in the early 1990's. Steel Panther were one of the Glam Rocks bands that revived the genre and brought it back into the world. In Glam Rock bands there are usually 4 members. One lead singer, one lead guitarist, one basist and one drumer.

 One of the most notable Glam Rock bands around would be "Steel Panther". This is as they are known for their fun and cool songs. A key aspect that helps bands like Steel Panther put across their vision of Glam Rock would be their influential music videos. This is because most of the time humour can be put across better through picture instead of dialogue. For example in Steel Panther's music videos they often include some tongue and cheek moments that will make the audience laugh. Music videos can help show off Glam Rock bands appearance as well as Glam Rock bands are very creative in their costumes ideas by making them as exciting as possible. The excitement was also included through their make up and hair styles as well to make them even more eccentric. The characteristics of the Glam Rock genre is that they are diverse, visual and parody natured. Below are some example pictures of Glam Rock bands. These pictures show just how different Glam Rock bands are to normal bands.